CBT Psychotherapy: From Victim to Victor

Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Washington State, Oregon, and British Columbia

CBT Psychotherapy: From Victim to Victor
The term “victim” brings to mind an image of a person who is powerless and is inherently unable to overcome the adversity that they face. Therefore, it comes as a shock to most of us to realize how often we allow ourselves to participate in the victim emotional behavior pattern without even realizing that we are in this patter.

I have worked with individuals, couples, and families providing online therapy and virtual counseling under the supervision of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Blake Suzelis, to help them break free from these victim based emotional patterns and what we call negative schema.

We are being victims anytime we give another person the power to define our worth. We are being victims anytime we make approval, sex, material things, a substance, or an activity responsible for our feelings of happiness and lovability. 
This is called “externalizing” our power.” Through a CBT counseling lens it can also lead to the formation of negative schema and automatic thoughts regarding our lack of power. This can cripple us with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem amongst a host of other emotions that quite honestly just don’t feel very good at all.
We are being victims anytime we blame another for our feelings of fear, anger, hurt, aloneness, jealousy, disappointment, and so on. 

Whenever we choose to define ourselves based on external measurements or external program. We are handing away power to others and we then feel controlled by their choices, words or actions.
When we choose to define ourselves internally through our connection with our inner greatness, happiness, joy and self-love, we move into personal power and personal responsibility. 

This happens when we shift our cognitive thoughts, shift our emotions, and thus shift our behavioral patterns.
The moment we sincerely want to learn about our own intrinsic worth and what behavior is in our highest good, our lives will begin to shift.

Working with a therapist in online therapy or virtual counselling as it sometimes known, whereby utilizing CBT we can become aware of our thoughts and how those thoughts impact our emotions. When we have this understanding, we can realize what we have externalized and what we have internalized regarding our own power.

If you live in Washington State and are searching for a CBT mental health counselor to provide online counseling, give me a Call today at 973-224-8171 for a free intro online counseling (also known as virtual counselling or virtual therapy) session today! Online Counselling services  can help us to create new thoughts patterns and reconnect to our inner-power! 

Ryan Joseph Kopyar

Ryan Kopyar

Ryan Kopyar

Professional Counselor Associate, LMHCA, RCC, CPT & CSN

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