8 Week Men’s Vulnerability Coaching Program

Join our transformative 8 Week Men’s Vulnerability Coaching Program and unlock your true potential. Explore and embrace vulnerability in a supportive environment designed to cultivate resilience, authenticity, and personal growth.



Welcome to Life-Changing Transformation

Welcome, my brothers, to an 8-week journey of life-changing transformation like you’ve never experienced before! This fast-paced online group program is based on my new book, ‘Big Boys Do Cry.’

Raw Experience and Qualifications

I could tell you that what qualifies me to speak on this topic is my status as an internationally licensed mental health professional or the fact that I am a multiple-times-published author in the field of psychology and personal development. But I wouldn’t be keeping it real with you, and this program is about being raw and real.

What qualifies me to speak on this topic are my own ‘rock bottom’ moments that left me broken, emotionally closed off, and pushing away the woman who wanted to love me. In this program, I am going to teach you, in only 8 weeks, the core principles of healing, communication, and connection that I learned throughout my three decades of pain.

Embrace Vulnerability and Growth

I’m going to teach you the tools and skills you NEED to know on how to be vulnerable and to show up authentically in your relationships. My passion for helping men with this topic is rooted in the unshakable belief that change, healing, and growth are not just possibilities but certainties for every man willing to evolve into the best version of himself.

My program is designed to both challenge and support you to release your pain. You see, holding onto pain isn’t a testament to toughness; it’s what makes life tough. The decision to embrace the pain, to begin to let it out, is the first step toward liberation.

I invite you to make the decision to transform your life! Don’t let life weigh you down. Rise above. Embrace vulnerability. Join me, and let’s navigate this journey together. Your transformation starts now.